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This is a blog dedicated to my dearly loved and missed daughter.

Alexandra's Footprints

Alexandra's Footprints
"How very softly you tiptoed into our world. Almost silently; only a moment you stayed. But what an imprint your footprints have left on our hearts." --Dorothy Ferguson

Friday, May 30, 2008

Your Flowers

I just wanted to post the flowers that I got for you. I HAD to buy you something!!! I hope you like them! I thought they were pretty girly colours.
Not that you can make out what else is on the shelf, but right by your wish stone is a little keychain from New York with your name on it. I picked it up when Mommy & Daddy were in New York. I can't go anywhere without getting you something. You are still my daughter and I love you very much.
There is also your bracelet that Mommy made for you. Yours is half the size of my bracelet but they are exactly the same. And lastly there is a butterfly barrett. I sent the other one up to you with your Long Weekend balloons. I am always thinking of you and holding you in my heart my love. Hope you are peaceful and safe.
Love & Miss you everyday!
Love, Mommy! xoxoxoxoxo

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I'm sure she loves them, they're beautiful just like her! Just thinking about you girls and thought I'd let you know... big hugs!!